Life Madeline Jacobs Life Madeline Jacobs

Five Month Snapshots

Do you remember when disposable cameras were a thing? Film cameras used to be the only thing. Digital cameras, when they came out, were such a big deal... And now I've got a nice camera on my phone, and take 100 shots of one thing because I can. 

There's something really beautiful about film cameras though. That moment when you take a photo and you have no idea what it looks like. Or how it might develop. 

When I was in high school, I took a photography class where we only used film cameras. That was a cool experience just to know how to manipulate film and see the process of development. 

But digital is so convenient.

Because it's convenient, sometimes it feels not as special. More planned too. More perfected... but in a sad way.

I had this idea that when I went on my Route 66 road trip that I would only use disposable cameras and get the big surprise at the end of the trip of how the pictures turned out. 

Unfortunately, that's actually pretty expensive nowadays. So I kind of dropped that aspect of the trip. April knew about this little dream though, and bought me a disposable camera and gave it to me before my trip. 

I took it with me, only taking a few pictures here and there. I still had some left when I got to the farm. And then some left when April came to visit Nashville. And still had some even when I went home for the holidays. I used the very last pictures on the first day of the new year.

I finally got them developed here at a Walmart in Nashville that didn't give me the picture CD with it. So, while I will not trust Walmart with my disposable camera photos ever again, I was grateful to get these back. From a critical perspective, the coloring is imperfect, some of the shots are out of focus, or gritty, overexposed or underexposed. 

But what I love is they absolutely capture the moments. Just that snap second moment. I didn't have a chance to know if it'd be good or not. And, in the end, it doesn't really matter. Because memories aren't exactly judged that way. It just is.


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California, Life Madeline Jacobs California, Life Madeline Jacobs

Those Two Weeks in Los Angeles

Hi! Hello! Hola! (According to DuoLingo, I am currently 12% fluent in Spanish so I'm trying to use it as much as possible.) Happy New Year! Oh wait, what? January is almost passed? How?! Well, in my timing that's ok. It only took me three weeks into the year to complete my new year's resolutions. I'd say I'm just right on track to complete all my January goals by starting the last week of January.

Well, it's been a crazy couple months. I guess it's been that long since I last wrote. But in good ways. I have so much content to share, but lots of things I'm focusing on right now. So in due time. 

I'm currently back in Tennessee. Watching some ladybugs crawling on my window screen. (I thought ladybugs were lucky (my Nana told me so anyways) until they became creepy by showing up in mass amounts in the fall. Since winter came, I find less in my room, but they appear to not go into complete hibernation and I'll still find them crawling on my wall.)

Oh, and I'm sick again. I've been sick once each month since I moved to Tennessee. I could go to a doctor or something, but I'm guessing they would tell me that I need to eat less of the bad sugar (chocolate) and eat more fruit and take more Vitamin C. All of which I know, and have now started instituting. Because sick days are not fun when you're not being paid for them, and I've got new year's resolutions to accomplish!

As for life sharing moments: first off, over Christmas and New Year's, I was in Los Angeles. It went by so so quickly. Every day was filled with people, animals, and making things happen. Like finishing all my Christmas shopping and wrapping on Christmas Eve. (Notice a pattern here? New Year's resolution numero uno: prepare in high advance.) That was a little stressful. 

And turning 25. I am now a quarter of a century old. That's all I would like to say about officially confronting I am now in my mid-twenties. I have to say, It's been good to me so far though.

Click through to view a little photo diary of my two weeks back at home...

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