Celebrating Mom's 60th

In honor of my mom coming out to Nashville this past weekend, I want to remember a very special night of celebrating.

One of the reasons I went to Los Angeles for six weeks in May was to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday with her. Including a surprise birthday party! The party was really put together by one of her best friends, Cindy, who did (always does) an incredible job and really went all out for my mom.

I was happy to capture the moments from the party and all the people that surrounded my mom that had known and loved her for years. (Although sort of unfortunately, because I was the eyes of the party, I'm not actually seen in the video or most photos. But it's ok. You're seeing it the way I did and I love being able to do and provide that.)

One of my favorite parts was one suggested by a friend to make a little statement about my mom and hand her a rose — a la Bachelorette style (but white roses instead of red). It was simple, and added such sweet genuine moments to the rest of the night. 

Photo Jun 04, 4 56 03 PM.jpg
Photo Jun 04, 4 54 01 PM.jpg
Photo Jun 04, 4 54 17 PM.jpg

The three of us below — just about the only picture of me being there for the night, but all worth it. Love both these two women. Thanks Cindy, for putting together such a special night.

My mom is one amazing woman and I know she's taught me so much in my life and has been one of the greatest examples. I'm so grateful that she could recently make a trip out to Nashville and I had three whole days to hang out with her. 


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