Snow in Nashville — again

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It snowed in Nashville for the second time this winter season. (Remember my first winter in Nashville where people told me "it just gets icy" and then it snowed for an entire weekend and more?? Reminder here.)

Last Saturday I woke up at sunrise to get some photos of my roommates Sarah and Annemarie. We drove down to the Natchez Trace Parkway Bridge and got out of the car into the freezing cold. By the time I was done photographing Sarah's set, I could barely feel my fingers, and the snow was getting just a little bit thicker. 

Going back in the car to warm up, we saw the snow transform from light, barely visible fluffs, to full-on fluffs, and watched as the ground around us became covered in white. It was really snowing.

The photoshoot was now at an indefinite pause. But breakfast was close by at Loveless Cafe. And that included fried chicken and waffles and hot chocolate. I was grateful to have my camera on hand to capture each snow moment. Especially the moment above with Annemarie and the snow so visible. I just love it.

Even when the snow is coming down so much that the walk from the car to inside the restaurant leaves me covered wet like I've come out of a rainstorm. Everything is so much more magical when it snows. It's like the environment puts on it's own kind of cloak and has a new identity for a little bit before it uncovers itself later.

Getting home a little later, I walked around our street a little, saw a puppy joyfully playing in the snow; a blooming tree, that must have thought it was spring, now a little confused by the sudden chill and each flower bloom now being graced with snow; and our backyard hiding any trace of the grass that was visible just a few hours before.

If you woke up at 9am, you would have woken up to this winter wonderland. And if you woke up at 12pm you would have thought people were lying when they said it snowed at all. It had fully uncovered itself by 1pm with barely any trace left that there was a really beautiful snowy storm just a little before. 

nashville snow
nashville snow
nashville snow
nashville snow
nashville snow
nashville snow
nashville snow
nashville snow
nashville snow
nashville snow
nashville snow

And this was actually the second snow of the season. After all the high temperatures, people (and that tree above) had assumed it was basically spring and time to put away their winter clothes. But they really underestimated the Punxsutawney Phil's rightful conclusion that winter was still coming. 

The first snow though came awhile before. That was also a beautiful day. I was able to work from home, and all of my roommates got the day off. Annemarie's (now) fiancé, Adam, came over and they made us taco soup and crepes that I still savor now. Oh and hot chocolate. You can never have enough of that. 

I guess what I love most about the snow is that it almost forces me to pause in all the day to day things I built up on my to-do list and enjoy being where I am. 

Thanks snow for giving me some magic.


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