Las Vegas: Neon Museum
Utah and Las Vegas have been primary visiting points these last few years. Maybe because it's within driving distance. And if you're driving from Los Angeles to Utah, you go right through Las Vegas, so you might as well stop.
When I'm in Vegas, I don't drink, gamble, or usually go out to show off my moves at a club. So what the heck do I do?
Surprisingly for some, Las Vegas is actually more than just for partying. For example, there's places like the Neon Museum.
Every time someone I know is going to Vegas, I always recommend them going to this place. They usually don't... but that's definitely their loss (I'm looking at you Gina), because the Neon Museum is basically a neon sign graveyard that tells the history of Las Vegas. And if that doesn't sell you, then ... well, it's just fantastic. How about that?
I've gone on both the day tour and night tour, and they're equally great. If you have to choose one, I'd say the night tour though. Because the neon signs are so worn down, most of them don't light up anymore, but the few that do are displayed during the night tour, and the rest of the signs are lit by lights along the ground. It's just a nice ambience.
The two tours had a lot of similarities — same basic information and focus on the larger and prominent signs — but there also seemed to a little difference in a few of the signs focused on, which made it nice so it wasn't an exact repeat of the first one.
Be careful about taking the day tour though when it's really hot outside. You're standing in direct sunlight for most of the time, so even when I went this last trip and it wasn't that hot, we really appreciated when we could stand in a small area of shade.
I'd recommend this tour for anyone; you get a really different view and understanding of Las Vegas. I definitely have a new appreciation for neon signs as well.