Brighton, UT in brief
Aside from wanting to see the ice castles, I just really wanted to experience winter. Or at least what winter should feel like. So while all my Utah friends were super happy it wasn't snowing, and there wasn't really snow on the ground, I was personally super disappointed. I wanted snow. I wanted to make snow angels, have a snowball fight, freeze a little bit, and make a snowman. I always want to build a snowman.
So on the final day Krystal and I were in Utah, Brittney suggested we drive to Brighton. We had gone to church, and watched "Crossroads" (yep, that Britney Spears movie) before we finally left to experience the snowy bliss.
We were in Brighton for a brief moment, but it was enough time to make that^ glorious creation.
It was also enough time for me to flop onto a bed of deep snow and create a snow angel. And then attempt to put the snow together in the form of a pathetic snowball (it was a little too fluffy). It was good enough though that I hit Krystal in the face. By the video footage, it looks very pre-meditated, but I didn't even believe it would do that. I did achieve despite my lack of faith in the snowball and my throw. Sorry K-Meth. I really wasn't aiming for you. I mean, I was. But not your face.
It was a fun trip. Utah always has something new to explore each time I go there. And I'm grateful for the friends that always make it so special. Love these girls.