The Greatest Bachelorette Party
WOW. So even though it’s been two years since this happened and I still remember every piece of this like it was yesterday. It feels almost like a dream though because it was unreal to have all these people I love so much in the same place at the same time.
This should really be titled: "How to throw the Best Bachelorette Party there ever was and ever will be" but that might be a little too long of a title. That's what my friends did for me though.
For one, so many of them were able to make it! Everyone came in from different places so it felt really special that they were able to be there two days prior to the actual wedding.
Second, they kept the first part a secret. Which is actually an incredible feat if you know me. I love, and sometimes pride myself, in figuring out secret plans — just ask Matt. I just knew what we were doing in the evening, but during the day, I was told to set aside most of it.
The night before, Brittney and Whitney were going through the plans and I asked if I could come in or something and thought they said yes, so I opened the door to them trying to hide evidence for the next day:
It ended up being the bedazzled book shown in the top photo, and by the end of the day, every page was filled with memories for every stop we took on the very well-done SCAVENGER HUNT!!!
Before we left – some soccer guys were at the hotel and photobombed us.
First stop: Waffle House! Since Matt and I got some of our engagement photos taken here, it’s safe to say this is a special place for us. Mostly because when we were dating, all of our serious conversations pretty much took place in one.
Chocolate chip waffles are my favorite here.
I loved that Whitney brought her Instax camera so we have a photo from each place we stopped at that went into the bedazzled book she made.
Next stop: Nashville’s own Parthenon. There was this fitness group/training camp there and they took a picture with all of us, including the Scooby Doo towel. Loved sharing this moment with complete strangers who were so happy for me!
After this, we went to the church building where Matt and I originally met. Actually, my car went to that building, but the other car went to the church building address Matt gave Whitney (the one we went to after we got married) which was not the one she was looking for. Was kind of funny.
There’s a pretty long story behind this next place at Belle Meade Plantation, but essentially when I graduated college, I took a trip to Nashville with Whitney and Brittney – they actually didn’t know each other beforehand but the three of us had the best time together! My flight was even delayed so they were basically best friends by the time I got there.
I still have never actually taken a plantation tour, but we found a stick on the river that didn’t get stuck… maybe this short video will make it more clear (especially the last one minute). Or maybe more confusing. Personally, I still crack up laughing every time.
Jeni’s Ice Cream!! Also cute because Jen was my maid of honor. But it also happens to be my favorite ice cream place in Nashville and where Matt and I had our first date!
My maid-of-honor/sister/bestfriendof20+years
The night culminated in going to the Hard Rock Cafe at the top level that had a balcony overlooking downtown and a karaoke stage that I took full advantage of. I sang “Party in the USA”, and “22” by Taylor Swift with my friend Stephanie (always a classic, even if we’re not 22 and living together in our final year of college anymore). The bridesmaids sang “Ignition”, and Abby Anderson who’s now basically a superstar, gave a performance singing Alicia Keys among many other star performances that night.
The whole group! Love al of these ladies!!
Kana traveled here from Australia. Definitely wins for longest flight.
Krystal is just the coolest. She has incredible taste in music, a great and dependable wardrobe and an unparalleled love of succulents.
And Jen – couldn’t imagine growing up without her across the street. My life would not be nearly as great without her being honest about my 7th grade fashion choices.
It felt weirdly normal to have everyone there in one place. It was especially humbling and exciting to know that they were here for me and for Matt, and to celebrate with us! They seriously made me feel so special and so loved. They have each added something valuable and positive to my life and I’m forever thankful for each of them. Loved celebrating our friendships and reminiscing and continuing to make new memories together.