love, Maddily

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Route 66: Day Nine

Yay for one whole day where we stayed in one city! We slept in, and then we got going. We didn't really have an itinerary, except to spend time with Whitney. But this is what we collectively decided/did:

Approximate expenses: $40

  • Food: $10

  • Experiences: $30 Ratatat Concert

See below for all the deets, snap video, and photos... 

River Market Antiques

And so the wake up call begins. With shopping! 

I've never been real thrift shopping. Like Macklemore status. But Whitney is the perfect antique/thrift-shopping companion. She finds treasures. 

Like the black top that I ended up getting. The jacket that she got. A dress for Krystal...This place itself was just one treasure after another. I deeply regret not getting the turquoise jumper. When I put it on, it was like I had found a piece of my wardrobe that had been missing. I was just trying to be frugal... #lessonlearned #alwaysbuythejumper

Liberty Memorial

I still haven't been to the top of Liberty Memorial — saving that for next time. We did walk around it and sit on the wall before a voice over the loudspeaker told us that was not acceptable. In which case, we promptly got off. #rebels

Star Wall

It took us awhile to find the Star Wall. Whit was convinced it would be worth it though. And for friendship photos that will last #forevs, it sure was! 

I don't know if you can tell, but it was really hot and the sun was brightly beaming down right at our faces. So, after many photos, I was really ready to get into an air conditioned car.

The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

The museum had an exhibit going on at the time that featured these four faces on their lawn, all facing each other, and each representing a different season. I love the oversized shuttlecocks and just walking around the museum grounds is a good time, let alone getting free admission inside to see the other exhibits.

Char Bar

For dinner, we got Char Bar. From my first trip to Kansas City a couple years ago, I had high expectations of BBQ and pretty much any food place we went to because it was so good the last time. Char Bar definitely impressed. Highly recommend it! 

Also, when we left is when I started noticing all the lightning. I mentioned it to Whitney and Krystal thinking that it was kind of crazy and I thought maybe a larger storm was coming. Whitney brushed my worries off and told me it happens quite a bit and it was just lightning...

Uptown Theater

The epic end of the day was seeing Ratatat in concert at the Uptown Theater. I had never heard of the band before, was slightly aware of their music because Krystal and I listened to it in the car since we knew we'd be going to see them, but Whitney and Krystal both loved them so I knew it was going to be fun either way.

What really stood out to me was the lasers and smoke and visual effects in general. It was incredible. Also the best dancing guy in front of me to my right that had a new T-Rex dancing move was a show of his own. Favorite quote as we were walking out by dancing dude: "Gosh, this place smells like hipster."  

And remember when I told them "look at the lightning!" and they looked but they didn't care? Because, you know, they had seen lightning before. And it was so far away. But then the rains came. And they felt it. And we ran through it. And finally they understood. When there's light, there's going to be water.

And because it was raining so so so hard that just walking I could barely see anything except a couple feet in front of me, I got lost on the way to the car. Well, first I lost the group. And then, after standing in the rain realizing that I was around no one, I also realized that I didn't know where the car was. 

Luckily, I somehow found them first and then the car. We made it home safe. And ready for the next day's early journey...