love, Maddily

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Kentucky: National Corvette Museum

This last Day of Independence, Matt and I were a bit burned out from our honeymoon road trip, but also excited to both have the day off. Matt had been wanting to go to the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY. That seemed pretty American and close by, and I haven't spent a lot of time in Kentucky, so it was decided!

But first, Waffle House.

And then... the museum!

Truth be told, I'm not into cars as much as Matt is. But this was an interesting museum to go through and learn about a car I hadn't really thought twice about. And there were so. many. cars. Matt took the time to read and look at pretty much every one of them. I was most interested in the sinkhole incident of February 12, 2014. There was a sinkhole that occurred in the museum devouring eight Corvettes. The crazy thing is it was all caught on tape by the security cameras! And they have the cars on display — some of them were able to be recovered, but the rest of them are pretty smashed up.

See below for a little video of the day and photos!

We ended our Kentucky excursion with a trip to Chaney's Dairy Barn which included homemade ice cream and this beautiful scenery (as shown below). One day we'll be able to take a farm tour and see the robotic milker. #bucketlisted