Celebrating Independence Day
Land of the free, home of the brave: "AMERICA!" — said in a very loud, definitive tone, with a slight southern twang. Just cause.
That's how I say it anyways when fourth of July is rolling around. The festivities are slightly different every year, but I ended up doing what I did last year which was baseball game in the morning (the most American way as I'll explain further) and BBQ in the evening wrapping it all up watching firework shows from the beach.

Baseball. I mean, what sport is more American? Maybe football. But baseball is like classic American. And it's such a fun tradition to play with high school friends at our old high school every year for I believe the past six years? I haven't participated all of those years, but in the times I have, I've never been on the winning team. UNTIL THIS YEAR.
Yes, Team USA (my team) won against Team America. But for me, the best success came when I actually hit the ball and ran to first base and got to stay there. That, like, does not happen.
Miracles kept coming when I finally made it to second on another inning. And then when I made it all the way to home plate (just to clarify — I got a run, not a homerun (some miracles take a longer time to happen))! BEST DAY EVER.
All success aside, just hanging with these kooks is always really fun. It's a casual game where strikes only happen if you swing and miss, there are no balls, positions are general, and everyone is really cheering for each other. We even include "The Star-Spangled Banner" as the opening song, and all gather together to sing, "Take me out to the ball game" at the seventh inning stretch.

In going to the BBQ, I wanted to bring something, but nothing could top the homemade cookies my mom made last time, so while we were at the grocery store, Lisa and I spotted a dolphin balloon and I thought yes. Plus the wind toy thing (windmill?) and the flag. They ended up becoming key photo props throughout the night. I felt accomplished.
We BBQed, played cornhole — which I found a trick to how to throw it: it's like you scoop and lift your arm with the hacksack on your palm and somehow project it forward if that makes any sense at all?— and socialized. I was also fortunate to have an in with someone that had those hamburger gummy candies. Definitely got a handful of those.

The day's finale was the firework show. Lisa and I walked down from the BBQ location (which is a few blocks up) to Redondo Beach's beach and got as close to the water as possible. It's a great place to view fireworks because you see the Redondo Beach fireworks, and then after that show is over on the right, you look to your left and wait for the 9:30pm show in Palos Verdes. Apparently the P.V. show is some private party that everyone can see. I imagine it to be like a Great Gatsby-esque shindig. But I'm glad I get to enjoy part of it too, because honestly that firework show was even better than the Redondo one.
Lisa and I pondered on the production of fireworks and who gets to essentially create beautiful bombs bursting in the air and how they put the show together while we watched.
Then we walked back, watching and passing people lighting their own smaller fireworks on the ground.
Such an Americanly patrioticly festive day.