In Provo, it started with Waffles
I'm taking a trip this weekend and I realized I never shared some of my trips from earlier this year. So I guess this is like a "take-me-back-Tuesday," and tomorrow's "way-back-Wednesday," etc., because these trips were way worthwhile.
It was the end of January when I journeyed to Utah with my friend Krystal. Why go to Utah since it's snowy and usually freezing cold?
We had the intention of seeing the ice castles in Midway.
Aside from snow sports (which we didn't get to do) this is probably the only other exciting thing that seems to happen in Utah winter. The ice castles are only open for a small window of the year, but it's also dependent on the weather.
Spoiler alert: we did not get to see the ice castles because it wasn't cold enough, so they only opened for one weekend – the weekend before we came – and never reopened. That was a huge bummer. But all was not lost!
The other upside of visiting Utah is that I got to hang out with some of the best friends/people that I missed so much.
Krystal and I got in late on a Thursday night, got in our rental car, and surprised my friend Brittney before heading over to Chloe's place in Provo and spending the night. Chloe and Krystal had just met, but we were all in some kind of crazy adrenaline rush because we stayed up talking and laughing until three in the morning. By the end of that night/morning, it felt like we had all known each other forever.
In the morning, we got waffles. Actually, we got some Mexican food next door to waffles, and then we got waffles. Waffle Love is amazing. Their liege waffles with strawberry, nutella, and whip cream was incredible. Highly recommended

We also tried to hike to Bridalveil Falls, but although it wasn't cold enough for the ice castles, it was cold enough/dangerous enough so the hike was closed off. We could at least still see the falls from where we were standing and they were beautiful.

We walked around that area a little and found a nice stream (river?). It was too cold to stay outside for too long. I don't know how I feel about this whole winter business where it's legitimately cold outside. Southern California has rare days of experiencing that.

After driving around in the car for however long and being out in the cold, it was time to get more sugar and have some ice cream. BYU Creamery acts as an ice cream parlor, diner and grocery store. Efficiency at it's best. Their Graham Canyon was top choice.

If you're going to be in Provo, you definitely should go to "Y Mountain." You don't even have to hike up – we just drove and saw the view from the parking point and that was enough (we weren't wearing adequate hiking shoes nor did we have adequate winter clothing for the weather).

That night, we were also able to attend the opening of a new gourmet fry place called Hot Potato which included a small concert. There's always something to do in a college town.